A Yahoo Moment We’re Pop-ping Bottles Over!

A Yahoo Moment We’re Pop-ping Bottles Over!

A Yahoo Moment We’re Pop-ping Bottles Over!

Hey snack lovers and comeback champions!

I’m Emily O’Brien, founder of Comeback Snacks, and I have some poppin’ news to share (pun totally intended). Recently, I had the honour of being featured in an incredible article by Yahoo News that has absolutely blown up! If you missed it, you can check out the article here. The piece dives deep into my journey from ex-con to entrepreneur, showcasing how Comeback Snacks isn’t just another brand of gourmet popcorn—it’s a mission, a movement, and a tasty rebellion against the odds!

I have to say, it’s incredibly humbling to receive this level of exposure. When I started this company, I had no idea it would grow into something that people across Canada (and beyond!) would embrace with such enthusiasm. Whether you found us because of our caramel crunch or because of our commitment to prison reform, I am grateful for each and every one of you who has been a part of this wild and crunchy ride.

From Kernel to Pop Star

Let’s talk about the Yahoo article for a second because, WOW, it’s been a real game-changer for us! When I started Comeback Snacks, I wanted to create artisan popcorn snacks that would not only satisfy your snack cravings but also make a statement. What better way to do that than with flavors so bold, they should probably come with a warning label? (Popcorn so good, it’s criminal!) But our popcorn is just part of the story. We’re also about second chances, giving people who’ve been knocked down by life—like myself—the chance to get back up, stronger than ever.

To have our story reach so many people is both exciting and humbling. I’ve been reflecting on how far we’ve come, and none of this would’ve been possible without a whole lot of support. From my early days of conning friends into being taste testers (see what I did there?), to my amazing team who helps me pop out these flavors every day, to YOU, our loyal popcorn lovers and socially conscious snackers—thank you! You’ve made all the difference in turning this small dream into a reality.

Big Plans and Bold Flavors

Now that the world is getting a taste of our story (and our handcrafted popcorn), we’re not stopping here! There are so many exciting things on the horizon for Comeback Snacks, both in terms of delicious popcorn flavors and mission-related activities. We’re continuing to expand our line of flavored popcorn snacks, and trust me, there are some criminally good new flavors on the way that will satisfy your wildest snack cravings. Whether you're planning a movie night or shopping for the perfect gourmet gift or snack gift basket for someone special, we’re here to make it pop!

But we’re not just about snacking (okay, we are about snacking, but we do more than that!). At Comeback Snacks, we’re committed to using our platform to advocate for prison reform and support others looking to rebuild their lives. We believe in empowering snack brands that make a difference—snacks with a story, snacks with a purpose. As we grow, so will our efforts to support and collaborate with other organizations dedicated to prison reform and helping individuals reintegrate into society. There’s so much more we can do to help people get back on their feet, and we’re just getting started.

What’s Next for Comeback Snacks?

With all this amazing exposure, we’re more motivated than ever to keep pushing the envelope. We’re proud to be one of the best popcorn brands out there, offering gourmet popcorn that is not only delicious but also has a meaningful mission behind it. If you’re looking for ethical snack brands that stand for something bigger than just flavor (but seriously, we do stand for flavor), you’ve found it.

You can continue to order our popcorn online from anywhere in Canada—whether you’re looking for caramel popcorn, something savory, or just a little snack to enjoy while you reflect on life’s sweet moments of indulgence. And trust me, a little indulgence is necessary. After all, life’s too short to snack on boring things!

For those who want to support our mission and snack at the same time, you’ll be happy to know we’re growing our presence both online and in retail stores. So, whether you’re hosting movie nights, throwing parties, or just indulging in a little guilt-free snacking, we’ve got you covered. From holiday popcorn gifts to your everyday “I just need a snack” moments, we’ll be there with our bold flavor snacks and socially responsible popcorn.

A Sweet Thank You

In closing, I just want to say thank you again to everyone who has supported Comeback Snacks, whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or just discovered us through this amazing article. It means the world to be recognized, not just for our popcorn, but for the impact we’re trying to make. Every bag you buy helps us help others. And if that’s not a reason to snack, I don’t know what is!

So go ahead, grab a bag of Comeback Snacks, kick back, and know that with every crunchy bite, you’re supporting a story of redemption, resilience, and, of course, ridiculously delicious popcorn.

Let’s keep this comeback story popping! 🎉

Until next time,
Emily O'Brien
CEO & Founder of Comeback Snacks

P.S. Remember, you can always visit us at www.comebacksnacks.com to check out our latest flavors and make your next snack attack count!